Archive for the “Travel” Category

We love to travel! Read about our latest adventures locally and abroad.

What do wedding photographers visiting Florida do after an intense 4-day convention? Visit Miami, of course!

This was our first time checking out Miami and we’ve really enjoyed taking a few days off to unwind. We’re staying in South Beach, which is Miami’s most popular vacation area packed with restaurants and shopping areas. The beach is about a block away and the weather has been beautiful in the upper 70′s.

Wedding Photographers in Miami

Mike Peyzner and Natasha Valik

We took a day to visit the Southernmost part of the state (and continental US) called Key West. This city practices a more relaxed approach to life and is known to be full of artists and craftsmen. An interesting peculiarity are the wild chickens which walk around many streets and act as if they belong as much, if not more then the local people. The 4 hour bus ride to Key West from Miami was absolutely gorgeous as it took us through the rest of the keys.

Key West Chicken

Bay Area Wedding Photographer


Another highlight of our experience in Miami has been a trip to the Everglades National Park. We took an adrenalin-filled tour on an air boat with crocodiles swimming to the left and right of us. Afterwards we had a chance to actually hold a baby croc. We were both full of awe at the beauty of the Everglades: it’s an enormous expanse of untouched and serene wetlands.


Everglades Nature

Alas, all good times must come to an end and we’ll be back in the Bay Area this Monday. You can look forward to part II of our post about Miami and more photos in the next few days!


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As many of you probably already know I left Mike alone in the beginning of October to go visit my family back in Russia. The main reason for this trip was that I was just dying to see my baby niece.

Having lived in St. Petersburg for most of my life, I knew perfectly well that the weather is going to be nasty in October. Living in sunny California now I forgot what that nasty and cold really means. It was freezing! My warmest coat wasn’t even close to being enough and I ended up wearing a few sweaters, one on top of another. I didn’t care any more about being the least bit fashionable, I just cared for my warmth :)

My family and I would spent long hours every day walking with the stroller in the nearby parks. This time I didn’t desire to go sight seeing to downtown or to go out, I was just truly enjoying every minute spent with my family. The rain was drizzling often, but nevertheless the fall colors of the trees were just amazing! I loved the already forgotten scents of autumn – the fallen leaves on the damp ground, mushrooms, berries and wilted flowers. It also felt a bit surreal to be walking with Dasha’s stroller at the same park where 20 years ago we were walking with my sister’s stroller. It seems that it was just yesterday! Time flies so incredibly quickly…

I feel that during this trip I really didn’t stop taking photos for a second and the camera was always right next to me. During the long walks I would crawl on the ground trying to capture everything I saw around me, the trees and fallen leafs. When we would come home after the walk my attention would shift to baby Dasha. I fell in love with her from first sight and in these two weeks she probably became the most photographed two months old baby ever! I’ll write more about Dasha in my next blog post when her pictures are going to be ready.

wedding photography

professional wedding


wedding photos

wedding photojournalist

My sis:

… and mom having fun in the park:
wedding photojournalism

The whole family on a walk:

My niece Dasha & I:

Stay tuned for more photos!

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I went to Israel on a 10 day trip; our days were just packed with activities! We visited ancient cities of Acre, Jaffa and Tzfat, climbed Masada at sunrise and floated in the Dead Sea. We also rappelled from Ramon Crater, visited Tel Aviv’s Hall of Independence, took a tour of Jerusalem, and lastly we snorkeled in the Red Sea.

Israel is country amazingly oversaturated with history, and the amount of it per square foot was at times it was overwhelming. I�ve always felt a little strange studying ancient history in school: even when I liked the stories told by the teacher they were always a distant reality. Well, ancient history came alive to me in Israel. I was finally able to touch the stones of ancient cities, see the walls of Jerusalem, and climb the fortress Masada in the footsteps of the Romans.

Israel is not even 60 years old yet but all the Israelis with whom I�d spoken sounded very patriotic. It seems that when the environment is hostile and life has to be fought for almost daily, people work harder and treasure what they have much more. Overall, the people in Israel seemed to be kind, open, loving, hardworking, and although it might sounds strange, very happy.

I also fell in love with Israel’s nature � its deserts, seas and rocky hills. I couldn’t even imagine that this tiny place contains so much diversity! It was a fun and educational experience.


The city of Acre:

The Negev Desert transportation:
Israel camels

Israel 3

Streets of Jaffa:
Israel Jaffa

City of Tzfat:

Hiking in the Red Canyon:
Israel Red Canyon

A Bedouin preparing coffee:
Bedouin, Israel

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